This is a blog set up by Eli Fuller (me) to help keep readers informed and to promote our little country to prospective guests. It's also to make sure that new info about our island is passed on quickly and also to receive feedback on this info. Of course most of the things i write about have themes of ecology and usually have quite a bit to do with my company Adventure Antigua. Make comments anytime you want, but check the site above to book your adventure.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
In Antigua with the yacht
We had a very windy and rough trip up from Carriacou, but we made it in 50 hours despite being becalmed (without an engine) under the mountainous islands of Dominica and Guadeloupe. There is still weeks of work to be done before we can charter her, but we are racing to be ready to race on Friday for Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta. If we make the race then in my eyes we have won!