Friday, June 29, 2007

getting set for more adventure

After taking some photos of my friend’s wedding in Dominica it was a quick flight back to Antigua where we had a busy week ahead. Monday we had both boats out doing tours which was pretty good as this time of year can be pretty slow. Tuesday we used the Xtreme boat to do an eco tour so that we could do some maintenance on the eco boat. She had some slippery spots on the floors and we had to put down some new non skid as well as do a little engine maintenance too. We had both boats out again on Wednesday and today more work on the Eco boat.
July looks like it will be a very busy month so we need to get all the little jobs out of the way before then. Actually starting this weekend we have an unusual week long charter by a company in the BVI. We are being hired to transport some windsurfing equipment from Antigua and St. Martin to the BVI and be a base for this equipment for the week. It sounds kinda crazy I know, but I will explain more soon. Anyway, Tony and JD will be joining me on the trip which should be some good fun. I will also try to take photos and keep a journal of our adventure.


  1. excellent photography! Hope to visit Antigua again one day soon:)

  2. Hey.. been following your blogs. It's been a while! You alright?
