Thursday, September 13, 2007

Adventure Antigua's eco boat will be part of Cleanup.

Adventure Antigua's Arawak Odyssey (the eco boat) will be taking part in this years International Coastal Cleanup which is now looking like a two day event here on our twin island nation.

On saturday, Tony and some of the crew will be cleaning up Great Bird Isand. Unfortunately this isalnd gets attacked with garbage every time there is a public holiday and also on most Sunday's.

Many people think that it's the tour boats and tourists that leave garbage there, but people Like Glen from Creole Cruises agree with me that most of the trash there comes from our own island people. Digicel, a local mobile phone provider, had some sort of party there at Easter and up to this moment there is still debris on the island. On saturday we plan to make a huge effort to clean the important off shore island.
A very close family friend and great man, Billy Martin, recently passed away, and his funeral will be held on Saturday too. Many of my family can not use the whole day for cleaning up the coast, and since many others work on saturday, we have decided to use Sunday as a second "cleanup fun day". There is even talk of us going to Barbuda to hit one of the beaches there.
Anyway, Adventure Antigua is committed and hopes that other businesses will join in on the "fun cleanup weekend" with us. I just got off the phone with Indigo Divers who want to be part of it too. Its just not above the water that garbage gets lodged. Click the photo to find out more on that side of it.

The Daily Observer Group will have photos and a story to follow. Martin Dudly who is the main promoter of our countrie's side of the International Coastal Cleanup plans to make coastal cleanup happen every three months. I agree too. Our island depends 100% on the health of our coastline. His cleanup blog is Comment if you like.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:36 am

    The wrecking of Antigua's beaches is the price the island is paying for over-development, and the greed of this island's politicians and 'camp followers'. The general apathy of the majority of Antiguans doesn't help. Good for you Eli, but sadly, and in my view, you're on a losing wicket. Best thing would be for you to emigrate while you are still young enough and can offer your talent and ability elsewhere. Don't want to discourage you but.........
