Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A little day sailing.

With day charters and tours just about to start on Ocean Nomad which is Adventure Antigua's newest project we are doing quite a bit of sailing to figure out what works best. Classic Yacht Sailing is the name of the tour that we will offer to the hotels and will be a mix of day sailing, snorkeling, sailing education, history and ecology. Our tours and trips are usually designed to be slightly different than what's on offer and we are trying to design the tour with all that in mind at the moment.
This past weekend we decided to go sailing with some friends on the approximate route that we would take on a proper tour. It was very windy and quite rough out in the open which made for good practice and good fun. Speaking of practice, there is a regatta this weekend which we will be taking part in. We have all the crew in place and did some proper training yesterday too. Anyway, the video is a collection of movies we did on our mellow cruise on Sunday. Hope you enjoy. The music is from the Album Blue Lines by Massive Attack.


  1. Anonymous8:05 am

    a really nice little vid - love how it ends with the homeward stretch and sunset as you appraoch five islands. certainly gives some idea of the speed of the boat. the diving antics were fun too, and the soundtrack very well chosen. good luck with the new tour. i think people are going to love it!

  2. This video is awesome. Makes me so homesick though.
