Monday, August 10, 2009

terrible weather over st lucia and southern caribbean

very early this am I checked the radar and sat maps while in rodney bay marina. yesterday had been bad but from what I could see, it was gonna b worse today from martinique south. we rushed 2 get some provisions and hurridly pullednout of port bound for dominica. the morning sky was darkening and as we rounded the point a ferocious squall hit us pushing us along @ 8 knots even wit a reefed main and small headsail. it didn't last 2 long tho and the main line of storms seemed 2 always be just east and south of us as we sailed north. we're in the lee of martinique now motoring in no wind at all. ali says that the NHC in miami is speaking about this weather saying it could develop as it goes into the caribbean sea. a french coast guard boat has been shadowing us 4 an hour but with only a few miles before we pass the northern end of the island, i'm sure they won't bother us. according to our crappy garmin GPS we'll be in Roseau, Dominica by 9:30 pm. the radar shows more squalls on the way. ADVENTURE! this HTC Windows mobile phone still working well after 2 years!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:28 pm

    just take care and don't underestimate the power of mother nature!!
