Tuesday, October 13, 2009

tell the stories....especially the ones never heard.

You know, i have found it interesting that after nearly three years of writing this blog, i haven't found any other Antiguan bloggers who write regularly. I hope that some of the readers of this blog will point me in the direction of other Antiguan blogs because it would be nice to read them. A journalist recently asked me why i chose photography as an art form. They were interviewing me for Caribarena.com's art section. I told them that i didn't consider myself an artist really but that if my writings and photos were combined i guess i am a sort of artist. Anyway, I told them that the main reason i write and take photos is to show a different side of Antigua. I told her that i felt that too many Antiguans and far too many people who come here only see one side of Antigua. My company, my photography, and my writing is all done with the idea of showing people a different story of Antigua and of Caribbean life.
Today my breathtakingly beautiful fiance who is way smarter than she is beautiful made me look at a TED story on the internet. Mykl is always giving me helping info and advice thankfully. This one is a good one. It's a talk about the single story and how it limits perception. Please have a look at the TED video done by novelist Chimamanda Adichie.


  1. Anonymous8:25 pm

    I guess that makes your fiance a genius!

    Meanwhile, keep up the good work Eli!


  2. Anonymous6:39 am

    EliNarratives are so interesting in the perceptions we have of our collective.
    Antiguas story seems so much about "poor old me" and therefore I must be given something as I need it ! Well to look good, regardless of the more urgent priorities that may exist !
    As a nation we are so capable of better, but the damned tribal politics holds the nation back and the majority fail to see anything in common good unless driven by their party !
