Thursday, June 17, 2010

A very interesting and timely presentation from visiting ambassador.

"Birds as environmental indicators" will be a very interesting lecture held in Antigua on Monday. Once in a while I am sure that many of you reading this get tired the same old TV programs, tired of just hearing the same stuff every day, tired of seeing the same people every week. During the summer many people complain that there isn't enough stuff to do. If you want to experience and LEARN something new and possibly meet some new people, come to the EAG lecture this Monday evening at 7 PM.
For me it's very interesting that this lecture is being presented at a point when many Shearwaters and other birds seem to be dropping dead in alarming numbers. It's also a very poignant lecture for Antigua because so many habitats are being wiped out and with them bird species. I can only imagine what the meeting "Fish as environmental indicators would be like". Anyway, I hope to see you there this Monday!

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