Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Glen is one of my competitors and also a great friend. He's been hurt and needs our help.

As some of you many have heard Glen, the owner of Creole Cruises and Oceano's restaurant was shot during a brazen and heartless robbery. He, his wife and kids were closing up his restaurant a few weeks ago and two masked men opened fire without warning. He and his staff driver sustained gun shot wounds. Thankfully his family were physically unhurt, but Glen's femur was severely damaged when the bullet pieced his thigh. Due to the nature of his injury, Glen and his family have been advised that he should get an operation done in Trinidad.
This costly disaster couldn't have happened at a worse time for them and they need some assistance to help them get to Trinidad and back to Antigua is quick time. As usual Angie and the team from Al Porto in Jolly Harbour (and others) have offered to help. This Sunday Al Porto will be doing a special buffet for EC $50 and $25 from each meal sold will go towards Glen's operation. There will be entertainment thanks to Mackenzie Brown, a donation box and even a "raffle" with prizes among others a special dinner voucher at Sugar Ridge. I'm sending my Adventure Antigua crew down and I hope that you all will consider helping in this little fundraiser. Al Porto, in Jolly Harbour just before the golf course has great food and a great atmosphere. Come down this Sunday to support Glen and his family.  


  1. Anonymous2:15 pm

    I'll be there

  2. This is why I tell you every chance I get how much of a Blessing it is in my life to have you and your entire family as my are an inspiration Eli and I humbly thank you
