Saturday, September 15, 2007

international coastal cleanup day!!!!

International Coastal Cleanup Day in Antigua is underway at the moment. Several of the crew and i offered the Eco Boat to anyone who wanted to come and help cleanup Great Bird ISland which is the most visited of all off shore islands around Antigua and Barbuda. There were many other volunteers around Antigua but this blog will just focus on our little gang. Almost 0ur fuel was donated by Jolly Dive which was awesome. Thanks Captain Crunch!!!! There were eight of us volunteering: Peter (a professor from the American medical School), Tony, Val, Chris and I (from Adventure Antigua), Sonika (from the Ministry of Environment), Shan Locan (from the Royal Antiguan) and one last guy who's name i forgot (from the Antigua Public Utilities Authority).
We all had fun and felt as though we were making a difference. As you can see we collected a bunch of trash including two full bags of recyclables.

Will speak more after tomorrow's cleanup as there is so much to say and show. This photo above wasn't set up. I kid you not! hahahah The minister is a great guy and i like him. He has a tough job and it isn't always easy being minister of tourism and minister of environment.

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