Sunday, September 16, 2007

Round 2 of coastal cleanup today

Possibly over 20 of my friends are joining me on the eco boat today as we try to collect more garbage than we did yesterday from our coastline. Yesterday was awesome as there were many small groups all over the island collecting. I had an email from the husband and wife team who run Night Wing fishing Charters who said that it was loads of fun spending a day at the beach with their little one collecting bits and pieces. It is that kinda family fun that will be the best tool in the fight to make our country a better place. When little kids are involved with their mom and dad in a project like this, i am sure that we can only see a positive outcome. Well done guys. Big John and Toby who have been part of the Adventure Antigua fishing team on many tournaments organized a little group to cleanup the desserted beach near Blue Waters. There were groups at Pigeon and Windward Beaches. Jabbawock got a good cleaning. My mom, sparky and lila, collected four big trash bags of recyclables and a coconut or two from Dutchmans Bay.....

Our group of eight did Bird ISland as i mentioned in the blog yesterday and i am sure that all of us all over the island felt proud to be part of doing something however slight to help our coastline and the life that it is related to. Anyway, i wish i could go on and mention all the people who were out there helping including the Solid Waste Department who finally got organized, but i gotta goto the boat. I am late. See ya.....oh yes did i mention the weather is awesome!!!

Soooo calm and lovely as the storm that was tropical storm ingrid fizzles away from us.

1 comment:

  1. It was nice to read about the cleanup in Antigua. We were busy bees Singapore too.
