Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Things you may see on this saturday's special Eco Tour

To celebrate Earth Day, Adventure Antigua has teamed up with the EAG to bring you a very special eco tour of the North Sound this Saturday leaving from Shell Beach at 12:45 pm. You can get your tickets from the EAG by calling them on 462 6236 or emailing eag@candw.ag

The photos below show some of the wildlife and other things that you can see in the area we will cover:

Brain coral while snorkeling.
Mangrove Habitat at Guiana Island

Whales outside the reef. (possible but not a guarantee)

Bottle nosed dolphins

Spotted Eagle Rays

Interesting and diverse "flats" eco systems.

Endangered Hawksbill turtles


Maiden Island's Controvercial artificial reef

The fans
Hells Gate

Queen conch
and even smaller shells

The gentle Southern Stingrays

Frigate Birds and many others.

There is a special price for kids on Saturday so make sure you call the EAG soon to reserve.