With Tropical Depression number eight now named and looking "good" east of the islands we all need to pay close attention over the next few days to what all the sophisticated computer models suggest will be its track. IT is peak time during the storm season and although antigua has not been hit by any storm in ages, we have to be prepared and safe. Luckily this storm is not due to be anywhere near us until after the weekend which means that we can all still do our part in the Coastal Cleanup this Saturday. Keep checking this link over the next few days. http://www.weatherunderground.com/tropical/ and remember that you can also get great info on http://www.stormcarib.com/ If the storm goes
north as it is forecast to at this point, the surfers may finally get some nice waves to surf. I hope that's all we get.
I posted this a few minutes ago...then my bro, Ali Fuller, (who is the real weather nerd) sent me to this link: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/east/catl/loop-vis.html which shows the movement of TD #8 over the past few hours. If you click the "tropical forecast points" you will then be able to see how the storm is moving in accordance with its forecast. At this point it is moving to the south of its point making a more westerly track. Not too good for us, but its still a long way off. Lets use these tools to keep up with the storm as it comes closer. Thanks ali!
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