While in the planning stages i was contacted directly by Racquel D'ornellas who said that her teacher had told the class to find an interesting field trip to do. Anyway, it was a little earlier than i had planned to start taking kids but we ended up taking 18 kids form her class out with some of their teachers on a full day in the north sound. The Eco Tour was "a blast" according to some of the kids i spoke with and we are excited about the future trips.
Taking groups of people from the west coast on the 40 mile round trip into the ecological playground that is the North Sound involves conisderable costs both financial and some we can not measure exactly. The whole footprint thing as i spoke at great length about on this earlier blog is something we have to consider too. Buying offsets for our busines from companies in another country is not somthing i have been convinced is a great option. Doing these tours for kids under cost is a better option i think. Our usual cost for the Eco Tour is US $100 and we have decided to offer the trip at a tiny percentage of that for school kids not to cover cost but to cover a % of them and also to give some more value to what they kids are getting. We are in the early stages of speaking with an environmental group about partial funding for these trips as their is international grants for these types of school outings. Our hope is to start full time in the new year with several school outings a month and in order to take all of antigua's kids we will need some of that grant help hopefully.
On another note we have decided to start another new adventure tour offering people a day of exploring and snorkeling in and around Nonsuch Bay. Green Island, Crump Island, the amazing mangrove habitats of Ayres Creek probably containing the largest of these trees on Antigua.

Eli what is the difference between this tour and your established Eco tour?
Aloha Eli,
It's been a while. Missed your blog while you were on holiday. However your sister's blog had a quite calming sense to it and was refreshing. It made me miss Antigua more and I wish I was there but Hawaii as the next best thing is not so bad. Anyway, I hope you, your family and friends have a Mele Kalikimaka and a Hanahoui Hou (Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year). I see the new year will be bringing new and awesome things for you and yours. It's great to see your environmental awareness plan is getting off to a great start. It's also great to know that your business is expanding. Blessings to you and yours.
This is a great idea, really interested to hear how it goes.
Glad to hear that business is going well for you and your staff. I know some of your original staff is not with you anymore. I was planning a trip in April of May of 2008 and was wondering who is running the Eco Tour and the Extreme these days?
To heather, thanks a bunch and same to you and yours. I hope to meet you back in antigua some day.
To the first anonymous, the tour is very different to the eco tour because we are going to totally different places. Very similar themes but i think the old eco tour is more of an ecological tour i suppose because of the turtle talk and some of the other key things you will see in The North Sound. The new tour will be very interesting for those of you who have been to antigua and especially the north sound before. This is the first full day tour of the Nonsuch and Green Island area.
To the 2nd anonymous, have a look at today's blog entry to see the new gang. Some of the guys have been with me for quite some time.
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