Apart from the "Are there sharks in Antigua?" question, i think that the weather one is probably the most asked question on the internet when it comes to Antigua. If you are a regular Antigua message board reader then you will know that i have spent years trying to convince worried holiday makers not to cancel their flights by telling them that weather.com has got it wrong. All year long they say its raining in Antigua even though we are one of the driest islands in the Caribbean. We know why they get it wrong every day on their silly animated forecasts but the local government hasn't done anything about it. Oh well, i will keep telling people that its nice and sunny in Antigua unless once in a blue moon it rains like today. The radar shows more to come too. Havent seen it like this since last year and we may have a proper rainy day today.

We have been in such a terrible drought here in Antigua that we have had water rationing by the Gov. All the time weather.com and yahooweather have been reporting on their silly animated 10 day forecasts relentless rain. Anyway, with all the grass almost dead and people having to truck in water to fill their empty cisterns a tropical wave has finally brought us some rain. Its been raining on and off since about 3:30 this morning.

We have two tours today which are about to be cancelled. We hardly every have to do this (because it hardly rains for longer than a few minutes), but for a change today's forecast isn't looking that good. Blistering sunshine is on the cards for tomorrow, but the ship will be gone..... Oh well the dry island needs rain and we will be hot and sunny and DRY in no time.
1 comment:
Flying in yesterday the whole island looked brown, stark contrast to Dominica where LIAT made a stop before destination Antigua. The hubby was amazed at the lack of green and I was like "oh it never rains in Antigua, even the taxi driver chimed in saying the same thing as I was so happy it was sunny !
Today I am sitting here in Antigua, looking at not only showers but lighting and thunder LOL. Looking forward to SUN tomorrow though I got LOTS of it yesterday on the beach.
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