The Antigua photographers were at woods gallery on Friday evening with Alexis Andrews there for the opening as well. Alexis is generally recognized as our best photographer and was there to show support for the photographers on exhibit as well as to show his new book "IMAGES" which is the most lovely coffee table book of photographs on Antigua that has been published since the original one done by Alan Aflak back in the 80s. This is a photo i took of him taking a photo of some dolphins on the way to Redonda:
Instead of using all his own photos which he easily could have done, Alexis used some great images from other local photographers as well. At the time that he was selecting images, i didn't have many done with a super duper camera and most of them were too small. He chose one of mine which i am very happy with. ITs a version of this one:
Anyway, my friends Alex Portman, Roddy Grimes Graeme, and Alan Aflak have photos in the book as well. You can buy copies of the book on line. I think there is a link to it on my links page and will attach the link before i post this blog. Go to the bottom of my website's links section and you will find the images link.
Anyway, Lisa Farara of Quin Farara liquors did a lovely job of providing the wine tasting which is quite common at Woods Gallery exhibition openings. The canapes were done by Jan Jackson and were delicious too.
Again, the photographers on display at the Woods Art Gallery during the month of June are as follows: Jan Jackson with lovely photos mostly of birds taken near her home on the South West side of Antigua. You can see more of her work on her web site.
Joseph Jones did manage to get his images into the show after all and apart from seeing his lovely work at the Woods Gallery. You can see more of his images on his website . Also there on display was Roland Hansen. I know he reads the blog and will hopefully comment below with his website. By the way, i love your photo of the guy "picking nuts" out of the coconut tree.
The last photographer on display was Eli Fuller (me) and my photos were a mix of different things you would see in the caribbean if you spent quite a bit of time on or around the water. You can see more of my images on this flickr site.
The show was a very nice affair but i must say that it could have been busier. Its funny how in Antigua many people keep saying that there isn't enough to do. Woods Art Gallery openings are always a nice way to end the work week and next time that you hear about one....try it. For now, our photo exhibition will be on display for the whole month of june. Although you can see many of the images on the web, it is far better to view them large and in nice frames. Jan even makes her own lovely frames at home too. Of course there are many other art forms and artists on display in the main part of the Woods Gallery. It will make a good stop on an island tour. Just goto woods mall on the opposite end of epicurean right next to the Carib Photo lab. Have a great June!