The forecasters were correct and i did have to cancel both my boat trips today. It rained all night and for most of the day so far. They are forecasting rain for tomorrow but the latest satellite images make it look like things will get better tonight. I met our cruise passengers in the rain this morning on the Redcliffe Quay boardwalk to give them back their credit card deposits, and to try to organize another land tour for them. Since it was raining they understood, but sometimes when its extremely rough outside of the harbour and i cancel they are less understanding. You see, on those days it can be nice and sunny and the water in the harbour is nice and calm. They don't see the dangerous conditions a mile or two around the corner. I cancel tours very rarely since we get such ideal boating conditions in Antigua, but when and if i do........it is for good reason. I saw one boat smaller than mine go out with about 10 people form the ship to do a fishing tour. This is a new one and is organized by NCL. They are going to regret leaving port. WOW that will suck out there today and it could actually be very dangerous. Many new operators in Antigua don't have a boating background and are only in it to make money. They don't even work on the boats. This practice is not good but happens because there is little control of our sector. Anyways.............SUNSHINE TOMORROW!!!!!!
I am going to put two pics up today. One shows the cloud cover over antigua this morning and the other shows what its going to look like this weekend. Enjoy!
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